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Winter 2024-2025
40M Fox Hunt

The Winter 2023-2024 40M Fox Hunt will begin on Tuesday (local), November 5, 2024(GMT) and run through Tuesday (local), April 1, 2025 (GMT).  There will be no Hunts during the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas.  There are two hunts each Tuesday, so 20 Foxes will be needed.  Each Fox will be scheduled for two hunts, usually separated by several weeks.
Foxes may choose to participate in the live logging maps, thus coordination with K4OAQ, Fritz -  [email protected] needs to be accomplished as soon as possible after selection.
For timely  scoring of the FOX logs to be accomplished it is imperative the FOX log is posted on the qfox reflector "[email protected]"   as soon as possible after the Hunt. IF paper logging is utilized, and the log is legible, a posted photo would suffice.

Foxes should choose to participate in the live logging maps, thus coordination with K4OAQ, Fritz, [email protected] needs to be accomplished as soon as possible after selection, prior to the season start. Confirmation is expected prior to your hunts.

FOX logs are expected to be posted immediately after the hunt. IF that cannot be accomplished,  please put a note on your application.

There are three factors that are considered in selecting Foxes:

    1.  Skill-- the Fox must be able to work through a pile-up and complete as many exchanges as possible during the hunt.  If you cannot send and receive at 20wpm you will find it extremely difficult. 

    2.  Equipment--  the ability to put a stable 5W signal out through a good antenna, and a receiver that has adequate sensitivity and selectivity, with at least +/- 1KHz RIT or "split" capability.

    3.  Location--  we will strive for as wide a geographical distribution of Foxes as possible, consistent with the other requirements.

The Summer 2025 20M Fox Hunt will begin on Thursday, June 19th, 2025  and run through Thursday, August 28th, 2024. Start is 7pm MT(local). There are two hunts each Thursday,  20 Foxes will be needed.  Each Fox will be scheduled for two hunts, usually separated by several weeks.

Foxes should choose to participate in the live logging maps, thus coordination with K4OAQ, Fritz, [email protected] needs to be accomplished as soon as possible after selection, prior to the season start. Confirmation is expected prior to your hunts.

FOX logs are expected to be posted immediately after the hunt. IF that cannot be accomplished, Please put a note on your application.

There are three factors that are considered in selecting Foxes:

    1.  Skill-- the Fox should be able to work through a pile-up to complete as many exchanges as possible during the hunt.  If you cannot send and receive at 20wpm you will find it extremely difficult. 

    2.  Equipment--  the ability to put a stable 5W signal out through a good antenna, and a receiver that has adequate sensitivity and selectivity, with at least +/- 1KHz RIT or "split" capability.

    3.  Location--  we will strive for as wide a geographical distribution of Foxes as possible, consistent with the other requirements.

Week Date (local) Hunt Call State Name Hunt Call State Name
1 6/19
1       2      
2 6/26


3 7/10


4 7/17


5 7/25


6 7/31


7 8/7


8 8/14


9 8/21


10 8/28





Please complete the following:





Can you send and copy Morse comfortably at 20WPM or more? YES  NO

Your primary transceiver must be capable of 5W  output and should have "split" capability  in the form of wide range RIT, XIT, or dual VFOs.

    Primary Transceiver: 
   Other Transceiver(s): 

Primary Antenna for 40M: 
       Other Antenna(s): 

  Experience as Fox: 
Experience as Hound: 

Other experience such as operating on a DXpedition  or major contests may be relevant.

        Other Experience: 

If there are Tuesdays during the season when you would not be available, please indicate them here.  

     Blackout Dates: 

Please enter any other information that you think should be considered.


By submitting this form you are agreeing that you have read and will abide by the rules; and that you will be square and obey the Law of the Pack.

Take a screen shot of this application, and email it to [email protected].

The following is under construction:  WORK IN PROGRESS, proceed at your own risk
When you press the SEND button below, watch the status line at the bottom of the screen for confirmation that the data has been sent. The next page you see should be an acknowledgement screen.

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